The Future of Magnetic Field Measurement Technology

Interview with Rainer Prigge, Managing Director of List-Magnetik Dipl.-Ing. Heinrich List GmbH

List-Magnetik Dipl.-Ing. Heinrich List GmbH Headquarters
The headquarters of List-Magnetik in Leinfelden-Echterdingen: Innovation Center of Magnetic Field Measurement Technology

List-Magnetik Dipl.-Ing. Heinrich List GmbH is an innovative company with a long tradition, specializing in the development and manufacturing of measuring devices based on magnetism. With tailor-made solutions and a close customer orientation, the company sets standards in the industry. Managing Director Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Rainer Prigge provides insights into the company's philosophy, current developments, and future plans.

Since its establishment about 60 years ago by the in-laws of Managing Director Rainer Prigge, List-Magnetik GmbH has continuously evolved. Originally active in the field of informatics, the Managing Director joined the family business and took over the commercial management. Today, the company has 13 employees and achieves an annual turnover of 1.5 million EUR. "Our strength lies in the short decision-making paths and the close cooperation with our customers," emphasizes Rainer Prigge.

Customized Measuring Technology

The product range of List-Magnetik includes a variety of measuring devices that are based on the principles of magnetism.

List-Magnetik Dipl.-Ing. Heinrich List GmbH Rainer Prigge
Rainer Prigge, Managing Director of the List-Magnetik Dipl.-Ing. Heinrich List GmbH

This includes thickness measurements for coatings, magnetic field measurements, and quality testing of stainless steel using permeability measuring devices. 

A current highlight is the new FerroPro compact permeability measuring device. This device enables precise determination of relative magnetic permeability and is aimed at industries such as metal processing and the electronics industry. "We can individually respond to the needs of our customers and make special adjustments," explains Rainer Prigge.

"Thanks to our mechanical workshop and own assembly, we produce everything here at the site in Stuttgart." This not only allows a high depth of production but also a permanent optimization of the devices.

Innovation and Digitalization

List-Magnetik continuously works on the advancement of existing principles and new topics in collaboration with universities. "We are shifting from purely measuring technology towards software," says Rainer Prigge. 

List-Magnetik Dipl.-Ing. Heinrich List GmbH Permeability Meter FerroPro compact
The FerroPro compact permeability meter: Precise determination of magnetic permeability

In the course of digitalization, the company creates interfaces that enable automatic reading of devices and increase efficiency. The CEO is particularly proud of the development of the FerroPro compact, which is part of a new series of devices. This compact and robust measuring system is ideal for quality control of stainless steels and non-destructive material testing. The user-friendly system offers high measurement accuracy and allows for precise analysis of the magnetizability of materials and components even in production.

Customer Orientation and Future Prospects

Honesty and high customer orientation are core values at List-Magnetik. "We have very low turnaround times and can usually deliver a solution within two days," emphasizes Rainer Prigge. With many long-term employees and a focus on individual customer solutions, the company ensures that it remains competent, responsive, and reliable.

In recent years, List-Magnetik has invested significantly in technical modernization. "We want to implement a generational change in our devices and offer better, more comfortable devices," says Prigge. 

The company plans to further strengthen its market position and grow through continuous innovation and targeted investments in new technologies and markets.

List-Magnetik Dipl.-Ing. Heinrich List GmbH MegaCheck Box
The MegaCheck Box from List-Magnetik: Versatile applications in magnetic field measurement technology

With a strong international focus and participation in major trade fairs such as Control and Paint Expo, List-Magnetik is well positioned for the future. "Our vision is to exceed our customers' expectations through constant innovation and excellent customer service," concludes Rainer Prigge.