More Security for Life and Values
Interview with Jens Heckenmüller and Christian Hanke, Managing Directors of Teckentrup GmbH & Co. KG
The requirements for functional doors have significantly increased in recent years due to ever stricter regulations, but also due to people's higher need for safety. Teckentrup GmbH & Co. KG is not only a specialist for industrial and garage doors, but also has decades of experience in the field of functional doors – such as fire protection, smoke protection, and security. We spoke with Jens Heckenmüller and Christian Hanke, who have been the new dual leadership of the family business since October 2023, about current market trends.
Wirtschaftsforum: Mr. Hanke, Mr. Heckenmüller, you offer an extensive product portfolio. What are the most important pillars of your business today?
Christian Hanke: Our core business lies in the area of functional doors made of steel sheet. This involves doors with functions such as fire, sound, and smoke protection or ventilation. In addition, we have tubular frame doors as well as industrial and garage doors. However, we are far more than a product supplier. We offer a comprehensive service around our products, from order and sales service to support on the construction site and after-sales services.
Wirtschaftsforum: Is it the service concept that distinguishes you from other suppliers on the market?
Jens Heckenmüller: That's certainly one aspect. Moreover, we act consistently customer-centered. We always look for the best possible solutions for our customers. We are the smallest of the three largest providers in the market. This makes us flexible and allows for individual support.
Wirtschaftsforum: Where do you currently see the company in the market?
Christian Hanke: We lead the market with our licensing depth and technical specification when it comes to security issues, such as fire protection.
Wirtschaftsforum: What are the current important topics in the market, for your customers?
Christian Hanke: A central problem is the ongoing shortage of skilled workers. This results in various topics, such as digital solutions. That's why we launched TEO, a digital platform, which we have tailored to the needs of our clients. The platform supports our customers in simplifying their processes and workflows, for example, through calculation and ordering functions, technical descriptions, approvals, and drawings. Our customers can order through TEO and view their orders. We are continuously developing the platform.
Jens Heckenmüller: We are advancing digital solutions in all areas of the company, with a focus on sales and production, where the digital networking of processes and data is an issue to increase efficiency and flexibility. To achieve this, we will introduce an MES system. This manufacturing execution system will then ensure transparency in manufacturing and provide valid data for other systems – so we can ideally plan and continuously optimize production.
Wirtschaftsforum: What have you planned for the next period?
Jens Heckenmüller: Basically, we aim to grow sustainably and profitably. We align our actions towards this. Currently, we are exploring the potential in European markets. To be able to grow, we need well-educated staff. We will strengthen our brand core through employer branding. We want to present ourselves as an attractive employer to win over new potential employees for our company.
Wirtschaftsforum: What does Teckentrup stand for, or what values does it represent?
Christian Hanke: Our central value system is based on our vision and mission. Important cornerstones here include a familial together, mutual support, and taking responsibility for what we do. Teckentrup stands for continuity and creating more safety for lives and values. This is our vision. With the delivery of our doors and gates, we ensure that buildings and the people who come and go there are safe. We have always been loyal to this maxim and will remain so in the future.