Everyone should be able to afford beautiful teeth!
15 years ago, Maximilian Waizmann, along with his wife, founded the insurance broker Experts GmbH and the portal zahnzusatzversicherung-experten.de. In an interview,...
15 years ago, Maximilian Waizmann, along with his wife, founded the insurance broker Experts GmbH and the portal zahnzusatzversicherung-experten.de. In an interview,...
The global consulting and services company Aon supports its customers worldwide with comprehensive expertise in the areas of risk, retirement planning, compensation,...
Interview with Pierre Brunel, CEO of Aon Switzerland AG
The world has become riskier - insurance companies are affected in several ways: not only because this changes the probability of damage events and their severity,...
Interview with Thomas Lackner, CEO of HDI Insurance AG
When Daniel Heinzler made the transition from management consulting to the industrial insurance market, he too initially had the prejudice of the gray insurance...
Interview with Daniel Heinzler, COO of ARTUS AG
Death is always inevitable. But how often does it happen that neither the dying nor their survivors consider how a dignified and appropriate funeral should be paid...
Interview with Jens Leder, CEO of Vorsorgekasse Hoesch Dortmund Funeral Expense Insurance VVaG
For end customers, choosing the right insurance has become almost impossible among the plethora of offers to select the most suitable one for them. But it has also...
Interview with Patrick Edelmann, Member of the Executive Board and Authorized Officer of WIFO GmbH
In times of acute skilled labor shortages and an intense 'War for Talents', companies must be creative when it comes to attracting and retaining the best workforce....
Interview with Dr. Claus Mischler, CEO of Youplus Assurance AG and Dr. Jan Möller, CEO of Youplus Assurance Germany