Solar Systems

Managing Directors Michael Harre (left) and Friedhelm Enslin of BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems GmbH

Saving the Climate Systematically

"In the field of renewable energies, it's about an industrial revolution. Being part of this process is something special," says Friedhelm Enslin, Managing Director...

Interview with Friedhelm Enslin, Managing Director of BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems GmbH

scm energy GmbH Solar Panel Installation

The Energy Transition on Your Own Roof

Solar energy is a pillar of the energy transition. Following the crisis in the German solar industry from 2011 to 2013, the sector has now repositioned and emancipated...

Interview with Stefan Korneck, Managing Partner of scm energy GmbH

Öko-Haus Open Field PV Plant

Solar Pioneer by Conviction

The solar industry is a central component of the energy transition. Germany plays an important role in this future market by international comparison. According...

Interview with Felix Steber, Managing Director of ÖKO-Haus GmbH

Sascha Krause-Tünker, Managing Director of Next2Sun Technology GmbH

The vertical way: Future of the energy transition

Either agricultural cultivation or photovoltaics – that has mostly been the credo when it comes to the use of open spaces. However, Next2Sun Technology GmbH demonstrates...

Interview with Sascha Krause-Tünker, Managing Director of Next2Sun Technology GmbH

Jörg Niche, CSO of Solar-Log GmbH

Enthusiasm and Emotions for Photovoltaics

Even a factual technical product can evoke emotions and enthusiasm, as proven by the South German company Solar-Log GmbH. What started as a small startup has now...

Interview with Jörg Niche, CSO of Solar-Log GmbH

VODASUN Solar Park in Wittenhagen

Creating Something Special with Know-how

In just under 13 years from 0 to 100: This sentence sums up the success story of the VODASUN® Group. As a comprehensive provider in the renewable energy sector,...

Interview with David Florez Meier, COO of the VODASUN® Group

Manfred Brinkmann
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